Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Winter in Regent's Park

by Zachary Zufreur

Are you ready for something grand, white, and fun?

Wait for it…

Wait for it…

In the spirit of holidays, Mainland London brings the beauty of winter to Regents Park!
If you haven’t seen it, you are in for a treat!

Amidst the white grandeur, is a sophisticated and carefully crafted Winter Fest!

What’s exciting?
1. The breathtaking snow landscape
2. The gorgeous night view!
3. Free Skates - Grab you free pair of skates as you explore the area.
4. Free Tour - Hop on the sleigh as it gives u a free tour of London Soho and Regents park!!!
5. FREE Candy! don’t forget to drop by the candy store to get your freebies. =D

So come on down now and check it out!

Zachary Zufreur

The writer is the Art Director of SACHI Luxury Group - SACHI Luxury Photos, London SOHO, Regents Park.

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