latest release of Singularity Viewer is now Windows DPI aware.

This means that instead of having to scale the fonts and user interface like you currently do on all viewers, Singularity automatically picks up your font scaling preferences from Windows.

Because I had my (settings) User Interface set to 1.050 (instead of default 1.0) and had (Debug) FontScreenSize set to 106 (instead of the default 96), when I first ran the new version, I experienced a much bigger interface than I would usually expect.
However on reverting both of these settings to their default, I am pleasantly surprised to see that Singularity now matches my Windows settings (of 105%) exactly.
This further means that any changes I make in Windows will now automatically be carried forward to my viewer!
If for any reason you do not wish to avail yourself of this feature and wish to carry on using your manually tweaked UI and Font settings, you can do this by selecting
Override high DPI scaling in the properties box that launches the viewer.
However, I recommend you try the new scaling first. It's impressive.
Singularity viewer remains our favorite viewer for Laptops, thanks to its lighter than average footprint and quicker performance when compared to other viewers running on laptops.
For more information about Singularity viewer and the settings we use, see (half way down) the Resources page