Quit yo' Jibber Jabber and get yo' vaccine!
On Friday as part community service and part party with nibbles, Madame Bailey hosted an event at Lala's that was literally a shot in the arm.
Being the youngest on the team (he lied), I have watched nearly all my UK friends getting their Covid Vaccine before me.
My turn is on Sunday, about the time this entry gets posted. I have to say I feel a bit elated about it, as I have waited so long. I've always had a bit of a phobia about people with colds, so Covid to me is very much a physcological horror as well.
If you are undecided or reluctant, reach out to me and I'll let you know how it went. However, I do believe that the vaccine is far less frightening than the very real chance of catching this virus.
As you can see, the London team is quite large and watching everyone getting their shot before me has been unnerving in so far as every country is making end-of-lockdown plans and I am still waiting for the vaccine.
I do hope everyone in the universe gets their opportunity soon. Til then, wear a facemask and burn the lavatory seat after use.