Monday, April 28, 2014

The Weekend in Video Review

Thank you to all the visitors to London City this weekend, we hope you had a great time with us.

Here's the video review of this weekend.  Enjoy!

Through May, join us at the fun fair here in London City.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

DX Exchange - Special Promotion - 330 Lindens per Euro (82 pence)

This year, the Dutch will celebrate the King's Birthday on April 26th of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander.

To celebrate Koningsdag  (King's Day) a national holiday and celebration in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, DX Exchange is offering a very special rate of 330L per Euro (82pence).

This special offer is available on 26th April only and for your special promotion code, visit DX in London City here and click the Crown.

There is also a chance to win 2500L just by liking the DX page on facebook.   For full details of this and other offers, see the DX Exchange site here

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Easter Weekend in Video Review

Happy Easter!

Thank you to the thousands of visitors who came to London City during the Easter weekend, here's a video of some of the things you got up to.   Enjoy!

Friday, April 18, 2014

London City - The Second Life Editors Pick for the Easter Season

We are proud to be Editors' Pick for the Easter season in Second Life.

We hope you will join us through this weekend and sample some of the entertainment London City has to offer.

Starting right now, our venues, The Crown Pub, Bar Soho and Madame Lala's are holding their Easter parties, each with their own take on the celebrations, so hop around like bunnies to the place that best suits your taste!

Events all weekend!

Don't forget to collect your Free and Exclusive Easter Costumers here!

Easter in London City

London City and London City3, the top 2 destinations in Second Life for this Easter.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Easter Holiday in London City - Starts Thursday evening!

This weekend is the longest break in the UK since Christmas... yes it's the partay season also known
as Easter.

All clubs and venues will be open throughout the weekend which starts on Thursday night in England and runs through to Monday night!

So don't forget if you're going to chapel, to pass a Tesco Express on the way back and make sure you are fully stocked with tinnies galore to get you through this most important of seasons in the social calendar.

Concerts this weekend include the continuation of the Disco theme with the legendary UK disco band, Boney M on Saturday night.

For those of you who are feeling a little more biblical on Sunday, Australian band, Judith Durham and Seekers will be singing all their famous up-tempo folksy songs, which will be followed by the annual Crucifix race where you can win 500L for doing the fastest lap of the sim whilst nailed to a cross and to finish, the world famous, Egg'n'Spoon marathon!

Classy entertainment in London City, throughout the weekend!

Starts Thursday, with the exploding Egg Hunt.  Will you egg contain cash or blow you to smithereens?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Freebies Time

It is Easter time so head over to London City Victoria and grab the couple of gifts to be had.

Click on this gorgeous Easter Bunny for a free gift (limited quantities so hurrry!!) and for the ladies there is a pink bunny girl outfit for FREE.... the outfit includes bodysuit, belt, tail and ears.

What more do you need to kick start your Easter, head on over today. Whilst here wander around and take in the spring air, and go pose with the bunnies in the basket.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Weekend in Video Review

Thank you for coming to London City this weekend and joining in with the Disco Summer theme.

Britain enjoyed some lovely sunshine and warm days during the weekend.  Let's keep our fingers crossed for the coming Easter weekend.   The London City Easter schedule of events will be out later in the week.

Enjoy the video..

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Abranimations - Your fortune in the Tarot Cards

Free fortune telling all day today here in London City, thanks to the wonderful and creative people at Abranimations, who don't just create the best fluid motion captured dances in Second Life, but also make extremely impressive gadgets too.

Click the cards on the table and give them a shuffle, then choose the kind of card spread you would like to have read for you.   This clever table can predict your fortunes and even your relationships!

Try it out here in London City Have your fortune read here in London City

Visit the Abranimations Mainstore in London City2 here  to see some truly inspired creations, gadgets and mo-cap dances or to purchase a tarot table!

 Abranimation is a registered trademark of Awesome Dog Limited

Friday, April 11, 2014

Meeting Ebbe Linden

What a delightful chap Ebbe Linden is.  He wants to take us back to the golden olden days of Lindens in World and us all working together.

Wants to rework the TOS and is adamant that LL in no way lays claim to other peoples intellectual property.

Wants to improve the latency and performance of SL and appeal to the masses instead of the million.

He tells me that he appreciates all the work we put in to building communities.

I enquire about tier fees.  He says, they haven't crossed that bridge yet.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dance your sins away through April

Enjoy Easter in London City with great parties and concerts celebrating this party season throughout April.  Smoked Salmon and Bible sandwiches available from St Marks Church, the exploding Easter Egg Hunt, Egg 'n' Spoon race and Crucifix racing.  Fairground rides, Dunking the Pope and other classy entertainment too!

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Beach Party at The Crown - Wednesday

The Crown is taking the fun of the beach outside and bringing it inside!!!

The lapping waves, the sand between your toes, the calming breeze as it drifts through the palms.. and the seagulls as they try and steal your chips.. all those things you love are right here for our Crown Beach Party on Wednesday 9th April noon til 2pm SLT.

Pop on your swimwear and head on over with DJ Kota and Host Flor for some fun in the sun... and as it is Flors birthday.. there will be cake too! 

Don't forget to bring a friend, some flip flops and your sun cream.... there will be some FREE swimwear out to grab too for both ladies and gents!

Location:- The Crown

Monday, April 07, 2014

The Weekend in Video Review

Thank you to everyone who came to London City this weekend, making it another bumper event.

This weekend included the Bee Gee's in concert, The Grand National Event and The Boat Race. With footage of Friday and Saturday nights at: The Crown, Juiced, Compton's, Lala's, Bar Soho and Worlds End on location at the Arcade.


Sunday, April 06, 2014

A 'normal' weekend

Thank you Bunky for this video filmed on Saturday, featuring our entrants for the grand national.