Hello London City.... Stunned? me too. Wow-wee what a weekend!! Can you believe it ? ....someone pinch me... (ouch!)
Right, are you sitting comfortably? Buckle up and lets go!
Friday 27th July 2012

closely the Real Life events that happen in London, like The Queens Jubilee, Gay Pride, yes even the Riots, and One of the most spectacular shows on Earth was beamed LIVE in to Regents Park as the back drop to our fantastic events.

P A R T Y !!!
Throughout the night we ran a "best in your country's flag" event, so people from all over the grid could show support for their own team in the Olympics,by wearing their flag colours, we had people from all over the Globe here in London City, and we had a blast.

9pm ... Time for the opening ceremony to start nearly £27 million ( $40million USD) was spent on the opening ceremony alone. The tension mounted, if we could have bottled the excitement, we could have powered the Planet with it, amazing! We saw the Queen parachute into the Olympic stadium with James Bond from a helicopter, and how they had managed transformed the Olympic stadium to a lush island of pastoral villages to an industrial monster, where rivers of molten steel formed one glowing ring, then two, then five to form the Olympic 5 ring symbol we all know. All the Royals were there, as Danny Boyle used music, lights, dance and stagecraft, paying tribute to everything British from James Bond and the Queen, to Peter pan and Harry potter, also the N.H.S, fireworks like I'd never seen before in fact there were too many things to mention, there was so much excitement and hype, and we at London City caught it all on large screens in Regents Park where Dj willy played great music for people to dance to and have an evening they will never forget. History in the making people :) Makes us very proud to be British.

Saturday 28th July 2012
Every Saturday, London city plays host to an open air concert, be it Live Singers, Big Bands or Groups, whatever it is, its sure to be the best entertainment in Second Life.
This weekend we had an Abba tribute band, which everyone loves. The sim was full to the brim, and people queueing to get in and party with us.

People arrived in their hundreds, many queueing to get in to the park, what a night, such a great crowd of people all enjoying themselves. Everyone loves this concert and everyone sings along to such greats as Mama Mia, Fernando, Waterloo, Chicken Tika... I mean Chiquitita, I have a dream and many many more.

Later with the Olympics in mind, we held our own Olympic event with a whopping 500L prize, everyone was given an egg and spoon to wear, they had to run from Regents Park to our brand new themed club JUICED. Well, what a hoot, it was so funny watching them all waddle up the street wearing a huge spoon with an egg on, we all fell about laughing.
As you know, we have a great new club in London City called Juiced, its a club with a difference, as its not only you that gets dressed for the fun events, the club changes it décor to match the theme, this week,with the Olympics, we had a sport related theme, the club had a running track on a flood lit field and everyone turned up in their sports wear, and if they didn't have sports wear, they had to party in their vest and pants :)
It was a great night with a cash prize.
Sunday 29th July 2012

Yes, Bailey plays the best in easy listening, jazz and smooth jams for us every Sunday. Its a perfect way to ease into your lazy day, chat and dance your cares away.
Later we head to Substation, to catch up on all the gossip with friends, and sing along to some golden oldies, and have a boogie.

then later back to Juiced for more great themes fun and dancing.
That's all from me this weekend, i look forward to seeing you through the week for more fun than you can shake a stick at xxx
Roving Reporter Ruby. xxx