Tuesday, August 30, 2016
From an acorn..
London City started out on the Mainland, seven years ago. Back then it was called "Mainland London".
For posterity, we still maintain a small parcel on our original home region 'Mephilo Tor'.
You can visit the original site here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mephilo%20Tor/77/237/80
Sunday, August 28, 2016
London Carnival - Video Review
It is Carnival in RL London and also in London City.
Here is video from the weekend concerts. Join us today at 11am SL Time (7pm UK) for more celebrations.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Bank Holiday Carnival Weekend

It is time to party and getting us into the mood on Saturday, the one and only BOB MARLEY.
So get you carnival outfits on for a great time in London City, starting today (Friday) at 11am SL Time (7pm UK) in Bar Soho, then on to Madame Lala's.
Carnival events run all weekend in London City with the Bob Marley show on Saturday at 12pm SL http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/London%20City/130/113/24
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Lab explains Tuesday Service Interruption

At first, this outage appeared to behave differently to previous problems, as users logging in were told to check that their name or password was entered correctly, leading many to think that their password had been changed without their knowledge.
About 15 minutes later we all received assurance that it was a problem the lab was aware of and was actively seeking to resolve.

The troubles were due to the master node of the central database crashing. Attempts to bring logons back were hampered by it being a very busy time of day and the volume of residents logging in caused the system to topple again.
Linden lab have blogged the incident and give a full account of what went wrong HERE
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Bank Holiday Weekend approaching
It is the Summer Bank Holiday this weekend, meaning people in the UK enjoy a 3-day weekend.
We hope you will join us throughout the long weekend. With all London City venues running holiday parties and the weather hotting up, this should a wonderful Carnival with pool parties, street traders and musicians, contests and competitions and lots of people popping by to enter into the spirit of things.
Begins 11am SL (7pm UK) on Friday at Bar Soho.
Sunday, August 07, 2016
"London City Players" is looking for Band Members
On Saturdays from 12pm to 2pm SL time, London City Players play band members in the weekly tribute act shows.
We are seeking to expand this team. You do not need to perform each and every week, it is done in rotation.
We often provide your costume ourselves and gratuities are split between the Players that night.
If you are engaging and chatty and can work as part of a team, contact rubyjones in-world
You must have a basic understanding of Second Life, a presentable avatar and be of a chatty disposition. This role would suit experienced residents.
Friday, August 05, 2016
London (City) Riots remembered 5 years on
Five years ago, London rioted, causing the single biggest loss of property and possessions since the blitz. For those of us living close to the capital it was three nights of terror, which went as quickly as it came. Here is a vintage (and somewhat clonky) video from 2011 in London City, created at the same time surrounding areas were under siege by hooligans looting and burning towns. We clearly remember turning our lights out and staying logged into Second Life and other social media as trouble crept towards our RL district.
Wednesday, August 03, 2016
Lab blogs about Second Life Improvements and Developments

The story highlights the new Bento Avatar Skeleton giving more bones to avatars for even greater realism; The Virtual Outfit Browser which will allow you to store a picture of a saved outfit to jog your memory without having to wear it to see; Replacement for Quicktime, Quick Graphics and much much more..
To see the latest improvements and things coming to Second Life, check the official blog Here
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