Friday, December 19, 2014

Voice Vote jiggery-pokery

Usually its hard enough to get people to vote on anything as it relies upon them dragging that big heavy mouse all the way over to the vote board and then having to click on an option, but once again we have a vote booth busting poll about peoples feeling on whether or not Voice is a good thing.

The general trend was that Voice is a bad option in the new user hub, with 45 people voting for Bad and 23 voting for good.  Then word got around and within a day it shot up to 70 voting bad and 65 voting good.

We have done this poll before, but because people feel strongly they tend to log quite a few other accounts to sway the vote in the way they feel.
We had considered this poll was over and yielded inconclusive results.   So the voting board was moved up onto the wall and out of the way... and yet people continued to find it and vote on it, with it standing at Bad: 73 and Good: 74.

So, whilst none of us can decipher whether our visitors really think voice is either good or bad, what we have to agree on is that this topic is one that most people have a view on and one that some have strong reactions to.  Strong enough to log multiple accounts to swing it.

Seems that this is one subject that just won't go away!

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