Thursday, February 28, 2019

London City - Official Community Gateway

London City Gateway is being revamped and getting a make-over.

This is a brief potted history..

Over three years ago, London City became the first of the next generation Official Community Gateways to come on-line.

Since then over 600,000 new residents have begun their journey in Second Life, via the portal operated by London City.

The gateway has the emphasis on quick-starting a resident by showing them the basics of walking, running, camera controls and jumping.  These are the bare bone essentials needed to begin their adventure, and if they decide for a more in-depth tutorial, they can take a tour of the full region and follow the examples - or - they can choose to jump right into the community region London City and meet other residents.

From there, our Support team will show them how to customize their avatar, dance, shop, create landmarks and search for places and events of interest.

This video shows the kind of group events enjoyed by residents being born into London City Official Community Gateway.

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