Friday, October 25, 2024

The Martians Arrive on Saturday 12pm SL

 And so it begins..

"At midnight, on the 12th of August, a huge mass of luminous green gas erupted from Mars and sped towards Earth. Across two hundred million miles of void, invisibly hurtling towards us, came the first of the missiles that were to bring so much calamity to Earth. As I watched, there was another jet of gas. It was another missile, starting on its way.

And that's how it was for the next ten nights. A flare, spurting out from Mars. Bright green, drawing a green mist behind it; a beautiful, but somehow disturbing sight. Ogilvy, the astronomer, assured me we were in no danger. He was convinced there could be no living thing on that remote, forbidding planet".

Join us for The War of The Worlds interactive stage show, today.  London City at 12pm SL time.

Please dress in turn of the century clothing or steampunk if you would like to be with us on the stage for this interactive show.

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