Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Rolf Harris dying to give a concert

Largely convicted by the evidence he provided against himself, the disgraced entertainer, Rolf Harris has died aged 93.

Back in 2012, Rolf who was still beloved due to his long career in TV and his shows including Animal Hospital, Rolf's Cartoon Club and his art work and songs, was the choice for MC at the Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations and painted her portrait that same year.

He was a celebrity that everyone over a certain age has grown up with and was hugely famous due to his broad range of talents and long career beginning in the mid-1960s.  He was a personality that decency forbids us ever from remembering and therefore he is most certainly guilty of making us collectively erase whole portions of our childhood memories.

Before his downfall, London City had performed the Rolf Harris concert show on several occasions, but due to his conviction, the show has never again seen the light of day in 11 years.

Is it ever OK to listen to a Rolf Harris song again?

Because if it isn't then so be it.  But if it is, then it's now or never..

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