Monday, August 26, 2024

Bank Holiday Weekend

London City Gateway

It is another Bank Holiday weekend here in Old Blighty.  

Congratulations to those of you who 'manoeuvred' early and got Friday tagged on, giving you four days of rest and relaxation.

Please drink irresponsibly, since sobriety is strictly prohibited.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hurricane Season UK

Poor Blighty is gripped in a storm front today. 

The UK famously does not acknowledge any storm as a hurricane until it has been and gone, but as storms go, this is a big one and will last until Saturday evening.

Fear not, London City in Second Life is still spring like, with only the odd 100mph winds gusting through.  

Our team are mostly in their bunkers with tinned spam left over the from pandemic, a torch and a flask of cocoa.

Rougher than Stormy Daniels

We will see you today at 1pm SL, as Madame Bailey, trooper that she is, will appear on stage at Lala's looking like she has been dragged through a hedge backwards.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Voting us underway in the Poll of The Century!

Even though it is just for fun, some people seem to think this voting poll will have a real effect on the outcome of the forthcoming General Election.  

Of course we stirred the pot by asking "Which Idiot Next..", it's how we get your attention.

Please come and vote and try not to rig it if at all possible,  the former president will no doubt be monitoring this and logging on his alts anyway.   

Be polite if you see any strange orange avatars hanging around the voting area saying it was stolen.   Just smile and politely back away.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

London Gateway Facelift

Here are some pictures of the newly designed London City Gateway region.

Based on the Royal Parks of London, the London Gateway has a Second Life tutorial for beginners and clickable information boards for tourists who wish to learn more about the attractions in SL and RL London.

Blipvert for London City

Blipvert trailer for London City inSL

Friday, August 02, 2024

Summer Recess

The Summer holidays are finally upon us, with real life sun, sea and surf.  This means that the London City Players get to put their feet up while school is out for Summer and that the Saturday concerts will take a break and return in September.

All of London City's regular entertainment venues will continue as normal with their day to day events, competitions, guest DJ's and fabulous cash prizes.  The hub will be full of people flapping their gums and telling everyone about their real life degrees, pilot licences, how they work for the Secret Service in RL, how they are multi-millionaires living in mansions and slumming it on SL and all kinds of hilarious bollocks for you to laugh at and debunk.

Have a happy Summer and don't forget to use factor 50 unless you're staying in your basement for the duration.