Friday, December 09, 2011

Your London Weekend Starts Here!

Mapoo Little LIVE on Saturday 1pm.
Does it seem like it's always winter and never Christmas?

Well good news, the Christmas Season in London City starts now!

Tonight, its Best In Tattoo's in Bar Soho from 1pm (9pm UK) and Best in Camp Christmas at Madame Lala's (what else?) 2pm (thats 10pm UK). 

As always, we offer modest but genuine cash prizes, to be won by real people, not bots!

On Saturday, join us at 12pm SL (8pm, UK) for Party in The Park, with the fabulous Mapoo Little Christmas Concert LIVE at 1pm (9pm, UK) with Prize for "Best in Festive."

Join us!

Setting the pace for London in Second Life.

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