Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Here we go again..

It is Lockdown Eve, here in the UK.  It is time to brick up the chimney, and decorate the tree with barbed wire, as we await the latest round of restrictions.

There will never be a better time than now to dust off your avatar and log in to Second Life, where the pubs can trade whatever hours they like, you can meet with hordes of family & friends, and social distancing is something that only happens in the real world.

London City is open and will remain open for your business and social needs.  We will continue to run events each and every day, a big party every Saturday, a concert every week - and of course, social interaction on voice and text with the thousands of visitors who use the hub area to discuss important things, like Bakes on Mesh, Garage Sales and does my bum look big in this.  

Move bag and baggage into the virtual world and relocate here, it is a much happier place.  Before you do, maybe do a bit of panic shopping for essentials like beer and wine.

We're in it together, and the party starts now.

See you in-world!

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