Hey London City, is it just me, or has week whizzed by ? Maybe its because we've had such a fun packed time, they do say "Time flies when you're having fun" and WOW!!! did we have fun this week.
When you arrive in London City, you are literally spoiled for choice, 4 sims of quality shopping, and night life second to none every night of the week.
Fun Pubs, Retro Club,Music Lovers Club, Themed Club, Kitsch Cabaret, Adult Fun Club and Pubs you name it we have it.

Substation is a Retro club, playing sounds from the 50's and 60's
Roy and his team on hand to ensure you evening starts off on the right foot.
Fun atmosphere, very friendly, and a great place to meet new people.
Bar Soho

This is the perfect place if you love music.... There's a different Dj host combination every night of the week, Friday see's yours truly playing the best in Hardcore, attracting a huge crowd, so (top tip) get there early.

The Worlds End Pub

Fun, vibrant, crazy fun, also Britain's favourite... Bingo, this is a great place to make your local watering hole, and meeting up with friends.

Palladium Striptease
Adult orientated fun... found in one of our adult sims. Here you can hang out talking and dancing with very sexy adult dsn dancers

The Crown
This is a Wow!! pub not for the fainted hearted, this adult pub, is fun adult no strings fun driven.

Madame Lala's
Kitsch cabaret, cheeky fun banter,Madame Lala's has it all, with the occasional star turn, it's a must for a great night out.
Juiced is a themed club, a new day and new themed decor, always slightly more challenging events to get your creative minds working.

This weeks LIVE event in Regents Park we saw The Drifters, an all male American harmony group whose career has spanned decades.
Wow the amount of people who wanted to see these guys was phenomenal, the park filling so quickly we had people queuing to get in.
There was dancing ,singing fun and chat... what more could you want.
The drifters sang for over an hour, these guys were one of the first "Boybands", what a hoot, we all had a fantastic time, and can't wait for The Drifters to come back to London City very soon.
Pisces rez day 20th Feb- 20th march
Don't worry about un-rezzed items around the time of tomorrows Full Moon. With affectionate Venus in your sign from Tuesday, look out for Mr or Miss right just around the corner from the freebie shop.(where you can rez your items too)
Aries rez day 21st March-20th April
No matter how introvert an Aries you are, this weeks emotional full moon will make you want to gather in places with crowds of other avi's, and be the centre of attention. Click dance balls you have never clicked before and shine.
Taurus rez day 21st-May 21st May
Your relationship blooms as Venus moves into your chart and love rekindles with a hot couples dance where good music is played. Single you will meet a talk dark stranger in a Retro club, where your favourite golden oldie is played.
Gemini rez day22nd May - 21st June
With your ruler Mercury now in the career area of your chart, its time to get to the West End job centre (sim 2) and go get that job to earn Lindens. You will fill in application forms and wait to hear news.
Cancer rez day 22nd June -23rd July
Because the full moon cuts across an optimistic axis of your chart, it wont affect you as negatively as some, and you will make new like minded friends in 1 of 2 hubs, where people gather to have fun.
Leo rez day 24th July 23rd August
You need to get a sense of perspective this week, get out and about, jump in a car, helicopter, motorbike or golf cart, and see the 4 sims of London City in all its glory, why not take a passenger along too.
Virgo rez day 24th Aug -23rd Sept
The best relationships are those in which you're similar in some ways and different in others, the Full moon in your birth chart this week will heighten this, as you enter a best in event or two.
Libra rez day 24th Sept - 23rd Oct
It's essential that you limit your work load this week , so you are able to spend more time in SL. You have to look after your inventory giving it a spring clean. ugh!
Scorpio rez day 24th Oct - 22nd Nov
Venus, planet of love and laughter is in your sociable angle of your chart this week and is inviting you to a game of bingo where new love can be found.
Sagittarius rez day 23rd Nov-21st Dec
The planets say this week you should try something new, the colour orange will feature very strongly, you need to inject some fun cheeky banter into your life.
Capricorn rez day 22nd Dec-20th Jan
You may be tempted to bend the rules this week, but if you do, you will regret it as the Sun will energise your restrictive ruler Saturn on Friday, and you could end up on a ban list.
Aquarius rez day 21st Jan - 19th Feb
You've made a lot of plans and started a few building projects this month, you have prims hanging all about the place, don't just de-render them, gather them together,link them before deleting them from your life, you wont be sorry.
Thats all from me this week, I hope to see you in the number 1 destination in Second Life... London City, for more fun and frolics through the week xxx
see you next time xx
Roving Reporter Ruby xxx
1 comment:
Londoscopes - Thanks for this Ruby. This has us larfin'. Very funny. -Torric
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