Recognising that not everyone has a credit card or perhaps is unwilling to give card details over the internet, this service allows you to make a phone call from mobile or land line which will be charged at £3 and instantly credit your inworld balance with 650 Linden Dollars.
There is also an amazing deal available right now for Skrill.com users. Pay safe and securely using Skrill and for every £1 you will be credited with 359 Linden Dollars!
No skrill account? Go to www.skrill.com and get one now!
DX Exchange offers many more facilities at favourable rates for buying and selling Linden Dollars. The Official Headquarters for the UK is located exclusively in London City. You can visit the UK HQ here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/London%20City/198/142/24
For further information about the services offered by DX Exchange, contact inworld manager Olivia DX.
DX Exchange sponsors of Entertainment in London City - most popular destination in Second Life.
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