Saturday, July 26, 2014

London City 5th Birthday

The original Soho Square in 2009
Join us throughout August as we celebrate five years of London City!

Five years ago, we opened Mainland London, which later became London City in Second Life.

It started on a small piece of land on the Mainland in a region called Mephilo Tor. It was just large enough for Soho Square, four shops and the Bar Soho club.

We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate that so many people wanted to get involved in the project very early on and we grew rapidly to a half region within 12 weeks of opening, by adding Regent's Park.

Within 6 months we had outgrown the confines of the Mainland region because there was no more space to acquire and we relocated by purchasing a private island region which became London City.

The original Regent's Park in 2010 
The regions London City2 and 3 were added within the first year and we were able to create the metropolis of London largely familiar to our visitors today. In 2013 we added our Seaside region, London Adult.

The London City Estate today
Throughout August, we hope you will join us for the 5th Birthday Celebrations in London City.  We are rereleasing some of the most popular initial freebies we created in a hunt and there will be weekly concerts and a carnival theme.

Thanks to your incredible support London City is not only the most popular London in Second Life, it is largely considered to be the ubiquitous London in Virtual Worlds and is Second Life's single most popular destination.

Our sincere thanks to the team many of whom have been with us since the very beginning, the merchants and visitors for making this possible.

Enjoy this video of our humble beginnings as Mainland London way back from 2009.

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