Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Voice Lounge

Want to have a conversation with a group of people without broadcasting to the whole region?

The voice lounge in London City has its own private voice and sound parcel, separate from the hub area.

This gives residents the chance to chat on voice, uninterrupted by sounds, music and gestures from outside of the lounge area.    The lounge is also voice enabled 24 hours, so during concerts and shows, residents can still use this area undisturbed by other events happening in London City.

Visit the Voice Lounge:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/London%20City/101/169/24

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday in London

It's Beer O' Clock.  Unwind with an ice cold beer or five and enjoy fun and friendly crowds as the party begins.

The weekend parties kick off now in London City with Bar Soho at 11am SLT (7pm UK), followed by Madame Lala's at 1pm SLT (9pm UK).

Bar Soho: http://slurl.com/secondlife/London%20City/189/206/24

Madame Lala's: http://slurl.com/secondlife/London%20City/233/43/24

FREE Bento Dance from Abranimations

Weekend Gift!  Free BENTO dance from
Abranimations, released today and in their London City Store.

FREE this weekend ONLY!. You can find it in the crate in front of the new dance vendors set to sale for 0L.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

User Survey and Opinions

We would really appreciate hearing your opinions about  London City.

Tell us our strengths and weaknesses. What we do well and where we need to strive to do better.

The survey takes only a couple of minutes. Is anonymous and is extremely helpful to us, to ensure you get the best experience when visiting.

Please click the survey link at the top of this page or click here

Thanks for your help.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Latest NVIDIA 378.66 driver fixes Blue Hue issue

On January 25th, we reported a problem with NVIDIA driver 378.49 that would add an unexpected blue hue to all 64-Bit SL viewers.

This problem is now fixed with the 14th February release of driver 378.66

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines Day

Whether you're looking for love, or have the person of your dreams already, celebrate in London City today.

Bar Soho at 11am SLT (7pm UK)  and Madame Lala's 1pm SLT (9pm UK) hold their valentines parties with top slushy tunes especially for all the lovers and Casanova's out there in this virtual bedlam.   Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Singularity Viewer with Bento - Lighting bug now fixed

This is an update to the story originally published on 12th January.
The Second Life "Glow" bug is now fixed in version v6919 released today 8th February.

Download v6919 from the Singularity site located here:

The wait is finally over for Singularity Viewer users who have been waiting for Bento to arrive on their preferred viewer.

If you are already using the alpha releases, create a restore point, un-install the old version (your settings will be preserved) and head on over to the Singularity Alpha site and install Build 6905 to enjoy Bento in Singularity!

Bento head as seen on Singularity v6905

There is still a bug present which surfaced on builds beyond v6864 with objects using glow, where glow incorrectly shows unless Advanced Lighting Model is enabled.

!!This bug is now fixed!!
However, you can enable ALM and then turn off Shadows if you have a slightly lower end graphics card without too much impact in frame rate.  (CTRL+P Graphics tab).
You can also vote and follow this bug on the jira: https://singularityviewer.atlassian.net/browse/SV-2143

A reminder of some useful settings in Singularity:

Not seeing things that you know are there?
CTRL+SHIFT+V will reset the vertex buffers and redraw the area.

CTL+SH+ALT+C for Avatar Cost.   Cost and Weight can be toggled via Debug, see below.

Some useful Debug settings:

CTL+P > System > Security  autoteleport when region is restarting (drop LM in here)

LiruShowTransactionThreshold = 2 Do not pop up a notification box for amounts less than this value.
UISndRestart = UUID of sound to play on restart (replaces Torley Linden)
AlchemyRegionRestartShake = true  Shake the screen when region restart is imminent
ShortDateFormat  for European format:     %Y-%m-%d   change to   %d/%m/%Y
LiruLegacyLandmarks = true/false  Landmark saved with position e.g. (22, 258, 23)
LiruSensibleARC = False   Show new style render Weights not Costs
ShowSimChannel = True    Shows the Server name on About land top bar next to region name
LiruMapShowAvCount = True    Map shows amount of avatars on sim next to region name
AvatarNameColour = override the default name colours, you can still colour friends in vanity
LiruShowLastNameResident =  Turn on or off  last names ending in 'Resident' (on CTL+P too)
LiruNewARCLimit = Change threshold colour on Av Weight (suggest 120k value for >230kARC)
FontScreenDPI= (default is 96.0) try 104.0 for slightly bigger lettering
RadarNameSystem=3  Show Legacy (display)
FriendNameSystem = 3 Legacy (display)
GroupMembersNameSystem = 3 Legacy (display)
IMNameSystem = 3 Legacy (display)

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Valentines in London City

With so many thousands of unique visitors each and every day, you have the best chance of finding that extra special person, here in London City.

Special Love-In Concert this coming Saturday at 12pm SL time (8pm UK)

Monday, February 06, 2017

The Queen's Sapphire Jubilee

Queen Elizabeth II has reigned for 65 years today, 6th February.

The Queen makes history as she becomes the first British Monarch to reach the Sapphire Jubilee.  Unlike her Golden Jubilee in 2002, there are no grand festivities planned to mark this historic milestone.

In 2015, when she thanked the nation for its kind messages after overtaking Queen Victoria's reign as the longest serving monarch of all time, she admitted that the record was "not one to which I have ever aspired".   Adding, "Inevitably, a long life can pass many milestones.  My own is no exception".

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

A month of romance begins

Just as you recover from Christmas, Valentines day is here.  So in RL prepare to have your funds drained all over again.   But it need not be like that in Second Life.   London City has lots of romantic events throughout February where the entertainment is absolutely free!

Also, with over 4,500 unique visitors each and every day and thousands of new residents every week, London City is a prime place to find your soul mate for your Second Life adventure.

The fun starts here!