Sunday, May 24, 2020

The long weekend continues...

Today at 11am SL time (7pm UK) join us all in the Substation for more retro sounds from Bailey and Coffee, and then 2 hours later, join the artist formerly known as Katty Katarina on the beach for music and  cash for questions quizzes!

Hope you enjoyed the Amy MacDonald Show last night ..

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Bank Holiday Weekend coming...

Oh yes indeedy, its time for yet another long weekend in old Blighty.   There is nothing more we like than plenty of public holidays throughout the summer.  There is also a rumour of the government planning an extra holiday in October to make up for all the ones we have lost this year by staying indoors.

Please get rat assed responsibly
It has become much more difficult to work out who is still in lockdown and who is not.  The UK Government still advises you only go out for essentials and work (if you cannot work from home).  Socialising is still off-limits.  And yet thousands of people are flocking to the beaches, whilst visiting your family is still likely to get you pinched, especially if the police smell a wonderful barbecue wafting out of your back garden.

Here in London City, we hope that those of you still following the advice to be sensible, or those self-isolating, will enjoy three days of party Mayhem with us, kicking off on Friday at 1pm SL with Madame Lalas.

You don't have to be out in the real world to enjoy yourself and have a beer.  Look at this offer from Adsa,  goodness me, that's cheap!  So get online now and order some party grog for this coming weekend.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Eurovision Song Contest the Video

As promised here is the video of last nights Virtual Eurovision Song Contest.
Our visitors chose Ireland as this years winners, with Greece coming second.  Even virtually UK did not do particularly well, coming fourteenth.  As ever 'we was robbed'.

Thank you to Bailey, Katty and AlexeyRoshall for their contributions in making this event a virtual reality.

 Video by AlexeyRoshall

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Eurovision - The Results!

Thank you so much to everyone who made this wonderful virtual Eurovision so much fun, especially to those of you who voted using our online system.

Special Thanks to Bailey and Katty for their sterling work with this event.

In 10th place - Iceland
In 9th place - Belgium
In 8th place - Australia
In 7th place - Armenia
In 6th place - Serbia
In 5th place - Russia
In 4th place - Albania
In 3rd place - Azerbaijan
In 2nd place - Greece
And our winner in 1st place - Ireland!

Eurovision 2020 - The Show Goes On in London City

This Saturday was to be the Eurovision Song contest, before it all got horribly cancelled like everything else on the planet.

However, you can still enjoy Eurovision 2020, exclusively in London City at 12pm SL (8pm UK) this coming Saturday! 

Before the live show got cancelled, the 40 songs from every country all over the globe, had been selected for this years contest, and with some jiggery pokery and some excellent research by Bailey, we will bring you the show that should have been.  We even have Pans People providing the glamour.

You, the audience in London City, will be invited to award points for your favourite artists and with the modern tabulating technology, we will be able to announce a winner at the end of the show!

For those of you who don't know what Eurovision is.. It is a singing contest that is so bad, it is great.
Traditionally and especially because UK took forever to leave the European Union, the UK ends up last with Nil points and the crowd usually boos us.  Invariably we come last every year, but that is all part of the fun.

It is a grizzly spectacle for the campest show on earth, and we are bringing it to you, live from London!

So set a date in your diary for this Saturday and come armed with pen and paper so you can award points.... or take them away!

The theme for the cash competition will be "Best in Your Country's Colour"

The show must go on!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Lab says sorry, we're full

As you are aware, we live in unusual times.  You are probably also aware of the huge influx of new and returning residents during the global lock down due to Coronavirus.

It is fantastic news to see so many people in-world, in the only place you do not have to socially distance, but there has been such an increase in demand for new regions, that the lab has had to pull up the draw bridge until the autumn/fall.

Linden Lab is in the process of migrating Second Life to cloud servers, but they are not quite there yet, so the grid as it stands is still operating from their own server system, and this has reached its capacity.  Adding more regions at the current time with impair performance for us all.  So at this time, they are encouraging your to buy Mainland, Rent space from a Landlord or checking the Auction site.

For what its worth, London City currently has a Grandfathered Homestead available for rent at cost price, for anyone wishing to build their home there or operate their mainstore from that region.. but sorry no clubs, bars etc, we don't particularly want to compete with ourselves in the same estate. But if you are interested about our available Homestead, please contact Billy Arentire.

From Linden Lab:

Well, this is awkward...

Due to the ongoing public health crisis, we’ve experienced an unprecedented surge in demand for new Second Life regions. While we are thrilled by the heightened interest, the increased demand has consumed our available inventory of full regions (there are still many parcels available on existing regions, both on the mainland and from private estates). 

We are committed to maintaining (and improving) the stability and performance of Second Life. So while we are very gratified that we can be of help to people in these trying times, unfortunately, our current server systems cannot accommodate unlimited growth without adversely impacting that stability and performance. This means that region inventory in Second Life will be extremely limited and may not be readily available until early fall.

You can read the full story from the lab here:

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Premium Plus put on hold

For a long time now, Linden Lab had expected to roll-out 'Premium Plus', an additional Premium
level of membership to the one already in place.

Whilst always short of specifics about extra benefits it would offer, the Lab had deliberately held off on announcing exactly what extra goodies would be on offer, presumably to raise hype for the project when it reached release, which all things being equal, would have been around now.

Sadly, due to the current financial uncertainty for many residents at this time, they have for now, decided to defer its release, probably until 2021.

Grumpity Linden explains, 

"We have made the decision to delay the deployment of Premium Plus based on two key factors:

1.We want to be focused on our Uplift project (move to the cloud) and to minimize distraction for our development, QA, and Ops teams. While we’ve laid a lot of groundwork, quite a bit more still remains to finish Premium Plus.

2.The pandemic has brought a lot of financial uncertainty to people all around the world and we know many of our Residents have been hit hard.

"We are very happy that SL has provided an outlet for people where they can connect, escape, engage safely, and earn a living or supplement their income as well. But we also realise that introducing a higher-priced service level in this time would be really ham-handed

"I don’t know that there’s a whole lot more to say. I can’t promise a time line, but early 2021 is reasonable to expect. If we find ourselves in a position to move up that time line, we’ll certainly explore that. Without any actual plans to that effect, we may find, for example, that a different type of service level than Premium Plus is a better offering for the times we find ourselves in come Fall."

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

World's End new design & Bingo Night!

It has been some years since the popular World's End pub got some new kit!

This week a project to give Katty and CoffeeQueen the facelift they so urgently need, got underway and the result is all all new interior for their beloved boozer.

World's End Cash Bingo and Cash for Questions Quiz, will start at 11am SL time (7pm UK) today (Wednesday), so please pop in and say hi to the ladies.

PS: The lavatory doors will not arrive until next week.

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Sunday Party

Today at 11am SL time (7pm UK) join us all in the Substation for more retro sounds from Bailey and Coffee, and then 2 hours later, join the artist formerly known as Katty Katarina on the beach for music and  cash for questions quizzes!