Mainland London continues to be a popular destination for people from all over the world and our expansion is well under way!
Regent's Park has been given a face lift and grown to accomodate the needs of visitors. The New User Experience continues to be a popular area of the park and we expect the same for the London Zoo. The animals have been ordered and are on their way from exotic locations. When they arrive they will be housed in specially created environments that will make them feel right at home. Visitors to the zoo will be treated to a day out like no other, be sure to get a free Geoffrey the Giraffe plush animal to hold and a free commemorative London Zoo balloon!

And speaking of merchants. We can't seem to build shops fast enough to accomodate them! We already have several reserved locations and are working day and night to complete these 'one of a kind' builds. Our shops and homes are bespoke and do not exist anywhere else on the grid. Should you find the same building outside of Mainland London rest assured it is a copy and not the original. With all the buzz and excitment of the expansion be sure to get your request for one of these fantastic buildings in early.

All this expnasion, plus the huge volumn of visitors makes Mainland London a city on the grow!
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