Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Fantastic Weekend Review

Hellllo  London  City...What a flippin fabulous weekend  we  had  here  in  SL.
Usually  I'd  tell you about  about  the amazing  venues  we  have  here  in  the top destination  in SL...Then  I'd move  on to the Awesome  LIVE show  in Regents  Park  ..... BUT,  I'm  too excited!! I want  to share it with  right  now.... This weeks  show, will go down  in  SL  history.... Grab a cuppa, get  ya  feet up  and  read  on....

The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, but still they come.....

The story so far...
A huge mass of luminous gas has erupted from Mars and sped towards earth.

Across two-hundred-million miles of void, invisibly hurtling towards us, comes the first of the missiles that is to bring so much calamity to earth.

THE WAR  OF  THE WORLDS!!! This show  was  EPIC!!!

I'd actually  pay a huge  amount  to watch this awesome  show, but  it was totally FREE and open to everyone  to enjoy....  we  pulled  out all  the stops... Special  FX,  Pyrotechnics, Lasers, Video, Music, a Custom  built  Stage and surrounding concert area,  Martians, if  you missed  this... you missed something  really  special...

This fabulous virtual  show  was fully  interactive  too, brought to  you  by  London  City,  the  top destination  in  SL, and sponsored by DX Exchange, the easiest way to buy in world currency, with Regional UK HQ in London City!,

We invited  the audience to  play  a  role  in  this  wonderful  interpretation of  The War Of The Worlds... asking everyone who wanted  to  take  part  to dress  in  the turn  of  the century  clothing.... cloth caps  and  shirts for  the  chaps, and  long dresses with a bustle for  the girls.

A hush fell  over  London  City as  the  concert began,  then we  heard  the famous  lines "No one would  have  believed  in  the last  years  of  the  19th  Century that  human affairs were  being watched.... "  the crowd roared and  Regents park  lit  up with  bright green laser lights...

Then "action"  places  please!!!....
Everyone  took  to  the stage, and  took  part  in  a choreographed dance  routine.... all  in time, all  the practice paid  off  (lol)

This is where  I wished  I was  in  two places at  once,  in  the show  and  watching  the show.... thank  heavens  for  the panning  camera.

The  whole  show  brought  shivers,  it was  truly awesome, and  hard to  beat... this show  is way ahead  of  anything else  available  in SL...

War  Of The  Worlds, is a Sci-Fi  novel  written  by  H.G Wells in 1895, it centre's around  London as  it is  invaded  by Martians,  it details  the  conflict between  Mankind  and  the Extraterrestrial race.

The book has  never  gone out of print since and has  spawned  T.V shows, Radio shows, Feature Films, Musical  shows, Comic  Books , a Record  Album, and now hit  SL, by  London  City.
 This story has something for everyone,  Romance, Action, Adventure, Monsters,  Military, Science you  name  it  this  story  includes  it all.

It's  the second  time  London  City has  attempted  this  huge  interpretation  of  the show,  bigger  and  better  than  ever  before. I'm ecstatic that so  many people came to watch, and  more took  part, all  feeling  the  energy  of  this  awesome  adaptation.  Well done to everyone who took part, we  look forward to  more  interactive  shows....watch this  space...more are  coming  you way London.

Also  over  the week, we  have  seen  the  new  pavilion  open

found  in  Sim  3  Victoria,  this is  the  new meeting  place for all the cool  peeps  to hang  out.

Juiced  we had  a murder  mystery and seance  night, and a Greek night  to  name  but 2.

Worlds  end  a fantastic  Brit Pub, bringing  you pub quizzes and zany madness,  just  like  we  like  it.

Substation  playing  us  retro yesteryear  golden  oldies

 Bar Soho  playing  the  Best music,  if  you don't hear  it here,  it's  not worth  listening  to open 5 days  a week, especially for  music  lovers.

Madame  Lala's delivering fun tongue  in cheek  banter and  music  to get  ya  toe  tapping

The  Crown,  giving  you  the best  Adult  fun to be had  anywhere  in  SL.

All in  all this week  has  to be  one  of  the  most  memorable, plus  we said  good  bye to  Margaret  Thatcher,  love  her  or  loathe  her  she  is  part of  our  history, and as  you  know  we  follow  Rl  events  very  closely, so we sat  and  paid  tribute  to  England's  first  female Prime Minister.

Well,  that's all from  me  this week,  I'll see  you for  more  fun  and  frolics  next time  in  London  City...  the top destination  in  Second  Life,  accept  no  imitations!!

Roving  Reporter  Ruby xxxx

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